Friday, November 21, 2008

My soapbox for today

I just need a moment to vent. I understand that men and women are different. I understand that we both take enjoyment in different activities. I have set by and watched Sean in numoures athletic events. Lets see there was wrestling, soccer, softball, golf, sking, the list goes on forever! I have spent endless hours listening to him talk about hunting, fishing and camping trips. I have even helped him clean a hog that he shot last Janurary, heck I even let him clean that nasty dead thing in my kitchen!!! But there is that one time of year that I dread the most, August! August is when my life starts to change. August is Fantasy Football! I LOATHE fantasy football. Suddenly the life has been sucked out of my husband and he is engulfed in this stupid activity. Every Sunday morning is spent listening to fantasy football live on the computer. I cant even use the computer between 11 and 12! Here is just example of our Sunday morning conversation:

Sean: Babe, I really don't know who I should start this week. Maybe Tony Romo or (insert other well known football player name here). I have to have my line up done my noon. I hope they answer my question on fantasy football live.
This is what I really hear:
Blah blah blah, I am doing something and will be unable to help with the baby for an hour, blah blah blah

I just don't get it! What is so great about fantasy sports! Ladies, we don't have fantasy shopping! There is no fantasy Project Runway or Greys' Anatomy! I don't stress all week long about whether to pick Tim Gunn or Nina Garcia! Ugh!

Now, don't get me wrong I love my husband! I just Love him more after the Superbowl!! Haha!

P.S. there is a website, if you are feeling neglected on sundays and would like help! Its never to late!!

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