Sunday, February 15, 2009

Oh the glamorous life I lead...

more peas please

A few weeks ago I took Keagan for his 4 month check up. The doctor said he is growing right on track! He weighs 15. 6lbs and is 24 3/4 inches!! I can not believe how big he has gotten. The doctor gave us the go ahead to start feeding veggies and fruit with his cereal. I have to admit I really had mixed feelings about starting this whole process. It just confirms that he is growing up, but who can really resists seeing him with carrots all over his face!! So cute! After a little practice he took to eating with a spoon like a pro. Just like his daddy he loves to eat! He opens his little mouth so wide when he sees the spoon coming. So far we have tried sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, peas and bananas. Peas are definitely his favorite. I tried them and they actually taste really good! I love peas, so hopefully he will grow up loving veggies just like his mama.Keagan has never been a big fan of spending time on his tummy but this week he suddenly found a new love for it!! I have no idea what happened but he is now easily amused with being on his stomach. He lays on his boppy and "plays" his piano. His Nana gave him the cutest little piano that lights up and plays music. Keagan hits the keys and watches the lights and listens to the music. I think that he has put two and two together that if he hits the keys music will play. Such a smarty!
One more thing..He is teething like a mad man!! I swear he is always covered in drool! he tries to chew on everything. His poor little cheeks are always flushed. He has started waking up at night a few times because his gums are so sore. His gums are so red and swollen. I feel so bad for him. I'm sure we will be seeing teeth soon!