Saturday, November 28, 2009


I have to share two fabulous finds that I have discovered!! First is Portrait innovations, I love this place. You can get cute pictures really fast. The prints are ready to view right after you take the pictures and you receive the prints in 30 minutes!! Every three months you can take advantage of the $9.99 special, that's right NINE dollars and NINETY NINETY CENTS!!!! Holy Moly, what a deal. For this fabulous price you get like 40 pictures. This is such a good way to get cute pictures of your ever changing baby. Check it out!

Next is a new favorite that I have heard about but just recently went to see what all the fuss is about. Charming Charlies is the cutest store. If you love cute cheap accessories this is the place to go. If your not really a fan of the Sam Moon stores then this IS the place to go. They have Headbands, jewelry, shoes and clothes super cheap. The one I went to is located at Park and Preston. Hint Hint Santa I would love a gift Card to Charming Charlie!!

Keagan and Beau

Keagan and Beau got off to a little rocky start, but now they are good friends. When we ride in the car Beau likes to climb into Keagan's car seat with him! So cute!If you look close you might notice something different. Keagan got his first haircut today!! I did not cry. I took a million pictures and saved his little hair in a bag. Overboard, no not me! He did really well and liked sitting in the car. He was not to sure about the lady cutting his hair at first but he warmed up to her. She was this tiny Asian lady who cut his hair with lightning speed. I admire her because there is no way you could pay me to do that job! She cut a little over an inch and a half off his hair! I was afraid that the the curl might be cut out of his hair but it hasn't!! He looks like such a big boy now.
After (not so happy face)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Help me remember

I write these blogs to keep every one informed and also to help me remember the events in Keagan's life. I know I don't always write about the most interesting things but I want to remember it all. He changes so much everyday. He is learning new words or actions everyday. He now knows where his tummy is and can point to his head. He has really expanded his vocabulary, I don't know if that has something to do with the fact that he is around older kids at the sitter or if its I talk to him all the time. I'm sure its a combination of both! In addition to Mama and Dada or Daddy he says: ba-ba, bye bye, ball, bite, Oh boy, puppy, nite-nite and Bo-Bo!

He is a true little boy. He loves to play outside and get dirty. He has really enjoyed playing in the fall leaves. Poor thing is always falling down or bumping his head. I'm starting to worry about his brain! Some days I really miss that helmet!
Keagan is doing the cutest thing in the morning when I go in and get him. He grabs his blanket and lays back down. I asked him this morning if he wanted to go back to nite-nite. He has been such a sleepy head in the mornings. Unfortunately he is showing a strong connection with his blanket. We have had to switch the blankets out a few times to keep him from having a favorite. I don't want him to still be sleeping with that thing at 25! He also has to have a bottle before bed and at naptimes. Not sure how to say bye to the bottle any advice would be great.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Goodbye sweet girl..

Today our Trixie went to doggie heaven. She was the first dog that Sean and I got together, she was like our first baby. She was just a little bitty thing that day that I found her. I don't think there will ever be another Trixie. Not everyone got to meet her but she was truly something special! She will be greatly missed! We love you Trixie Bell!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Yes we are crazy!!

Well, we have ANOTHER new member of our family! Meet Beau! He is a 9 week old golden retriever. He is the sweetest thing and so good. He is a Christmas gift from Keagan's Nana!

Friday, November 13, 2009

something pretty

I love this pretty little ring from James Avery. I think I need a ring for my right hand!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Last Sunday mom and I went to the Dallas arboretum. I have not been in such a long time. It is so pretty and I really can't wait to go back. We dressed Keagan up in his fall jumper and had a little photo session. I swear that kid knows what the camera is! The weather was really nice but a little hotter than I would like. I really wanted it to feel like a crisp autumn day but its Texas so you know never what your gonna get.
In other Burke news, we have two new members of our family! Meet Gumbo and Mr. Waffles! Gumbo is the little grey girl and Mr. Waffles is the little orange boy. What can I say, I am a sucker for free kittens. Sean is pretty accepting to all the strange things I have brought home from work. We have had 12 kittens that we fostered, a baby squirrel that had to be fed every three hours, and baby bunnies! So he wasn't to surprised to see to kittens come through the door. I could not leave them to die!