Thursday, November 19, 2009

Help me remember

I write these blogs to keep every one informed and also to help me remember the events in Keagan's life. I know I don't always write about the most interesting things but I want to remember it all. He changes so much everyday. He is learning new words or actions everyday. He now knows where his tummy is and can point to his head. He has really expanded his vocabulary, I don't know if that has something to do with the fact that he is around older kids at the sitter or if its I talk to him all the time. I'm sure its a combination of both! In addition to Mama and Dada or Daddy he says: ba-ba, bye bye, ball, bite, Oh boy, puppy, nite-nite and Bo-Bo!

He is a true little boy. He loves to play outside and get dirty. He has really enjoyed playing in the fall leaves. Poor thing is always falling down or bumping his head. I'm starting to worry about his brain! Some days I really miss that helmet!
Keagan is doing the cutest thing in the morning when I go in and get him. He grabs his blanket and lays back down. I asked him this morning if he wanted to go back to nite-nite. He has been such a sleepy head in the mornings. Unfortunately he is showing a strong connection with his blanket. We have had to switch the blankets out a few times to keep him from having a favorite. I don't want him to still be sleeping with that thing at 25! He also has to have a bottle before bed and at naptimes. Not sure how to say bye to the bottle any advice would be great.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Blake gave up his bottle sometime after his first birthday, but only because Mommy forgot it at home and he had to use a sippie cup. He never looked for it again after that though. (I was worried that he would not be happy, but he could care less.) Just try a sippie cup with a character on it that he likes. Is he on whole milk or still formula??