Saturday, April 24, 2010


Sorry for the lack of post. I don't think I have ever been this long in between post. Keagan broke our computer awhile ago and I am just left with my iphone, which I can not blog on!
So much has happened I don't know where to start. We have been very busy the last few months and time seems to be flying by. Keagan is growing like a weed and changing every day. He is almost 25lbs and 31 inches tall. It seems since he turned 18 months old he has been learning new things every day. We have been keeping track of the words that he is saying and he is up to about 50 or so, which our pedi said was great at this age. He has also been very interested in the potty. He likes to watch while we go to the potty and loves to flush the potty. The Easter Bunny brought Keagan an Elmo potty. So far it hasn't seen to much activity. For some reason Keagan likes to put his diapers in his potty. Not sure what that is about. We had a wonderful Easter and Keagan enjoyed hunting Easter eggs. Sorry for the short post and lack of pictures. Hopefully I will be up and running with a new computer soon!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Check it out!!

Check out all the new blog post! Enjoy!!

Surprise Party

This weekend we celebrated uncle Jerry's 70Th birthday. We all met at Love and War in Texas and had a great time. Jerry was really surprised. Jackie and her mom did a great job planning the whole party. I think Keagan thought the party was for him. He was so excited to see everyone exspecially his cousins Blake and Luke!Everyone had a great time enjoying the food and drinks. Happy Birthday Uncle Jerry!!!

Happy Valentines Day

This post is a little late, but I just had to share how cute my little sweetheart is!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

17 Months

Keagan will be 17 months at the end of this month. Its hard to believe that he is almost a year and a half old!! He has the sweetest personality and loves everyone he meets. He is starting to show some other personality traits that I hope go away rather quickly. I will spare you all the naughty moments, but lets just say we are getting our moneys worth from the time out chair!
He really is a good boy. Here are some things Keagan can do:

Feed himself using a fork and a spoon

After every meal he will carry his plate into the kitchen and hand it to mama

He loves babies, ex specially baby Jesus! He likes to say Hi to baby Jesus at church

Favorite toys at the moment are a T-Ball set, and trucks. He pushes the trucks around and says "vroom, vroom"

knows where his tummy, ears, nose and hair are
Loves to give kisses and hugs
Enjoy the pictures!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

more snow pictures

Here are a few more pictures of our fun in the snow!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow, Snow and more Snow!!

I cant remember a time when it has snowed so much. I think we had a total of 8 inches in our yard in just 24 hours! I love the cold weather and snow but honestly I'm ready for spring. Keagan was not a huge fan of the snow. He really didn't seem to understand the combo of cold and wet. Beau on the other hand LOVED the snow. Sean and I took him to an open field by our house and let him run in the snow. Sean didn't have to work that Friday and it was nice to have him home to enjoy the snow and cold weather.

Friday, February 5, 2010

No, No, No

Keagan has really started saying the word "NO". It seems that no matter the question his answer is always no. Here is just a sample of our "conversation" today:

Me: Do you want a bite?

Keagan: shaking head back and forth "NO"

Me: Ok. Do you want to play outside?

Keagan: NO!

Me: Let's go see Mrs. Kathy

Keagan: shakes head and says no!

Me: Do you love mama?

Keagan: Meow

Well at least He didn't say no! You never know what he is going to say!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Sean

On Saturday we celebrated Sean's 28th Birthday. We had a good lunch and then went bowling as a family. Poor Keagan was pooped and missed all the bowling fun but he did get to play a few games before he went back to Nana's to take a nap.Everyone had a great time bowling and playing games. I am not the best bowler but I had a great time. I was on a team with Sean and his mom. For a lack of better words I SUCKED!! The two of them bowled a strike every other time and I was lucky to knock down two pins at the same time! Oh well! Here is a few pictures of the fun:

16 Months

Keagan turned 16 months on the 29th! He has really changed a lot in the past month. He has always enjoyed books but now he likes to "read" them to Sean and I. Every night before bed we all go into his room and read books to help him get ready for bed.
Here are some new things that Keagan is up to:

He now says mine, backpack, tub, and baby

Favorite TV shows are Yo Gabba Gabba, Thomas the Train, Dora and Sesame Street

Favorite foods are blueberries, pancakes, pepperoni, grapes and corn

I have also noticed how much he watches Sean and I doing stuff around the house. If I am loading the dishwasher he will close the door to the dishwasher and start to push the buttons. He also loves to "clean"!! He will grab a paper towel or baby wipe and start to wipe down the table top, floor or really any surface. So cute!! I hope he still likes to clean when he gets older!!
We also got our second haircut. He really looks like a big boy with his new haircut. Normally I like his hair longer but this time we tried something a little different. Doesn't he look like a big kid? :(

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Doughnut Day

Every weekend we have doughnut day. Sean goes to Dunkin Doughnuts to get coffee and we each get a doughnut. Keagan loves doughnut day. He now recognizes the bag. As soon as he sees the bag he starts saying "bite" 'bite"! Keagan's favorites are the jelly filled doughnut holes. They make quite a mess but he loves them.
Daddy cleaning up the jelly mess

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New lady

So there has been some competition around our house the past few weeks. Keagan is in love with a new women!! I'm sad to say I am not so thrilled with his new love interest. That's right its Du-ta-du-DORA!!! Ugh! This show is educational but it drives me crazy! Keagan on the other hand loves her. He sings along with the show and he is not a happy camper when I try to turn the channel. Backpack, backpack! So cute! I guess I can learn to live with the other women in his life! (For now)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Beau..Oh Beau

Let me just start by saying that I love Beau and he is a great dog but there have been a few times that I thought about taking him to a farm! A farm far far away!! He is a sweet dog and very smart. He already knows how to sit, lay down and come when called. To say that all puppies chew, bark and get into everything is an understatement for Beau. Here is just a few of the casualties: a box a fireplace starter logs, 2 whole logs from the fireplace, all the knobs on the bedroom dresser, a corner on my antique dresser, a box of wipes, 3 phone books, 2 geraniums, a pool float, a whole bag of baking potatoes, an entire roll of toilet paper, phone charger and a grill brush! Now some of these items have managed to be saved but a few are gone for good! Hopefully he will out grow this right? Please!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

15 months

I can not believe that Keagan is 15 months old. He weighs 23.6lbs and is 30 inches tall. It seems so long ago that he was a tiny baby. I miss him being so small and cuddly. Now when he sits still long enough to cuddle I consider myself lucky. He is learning new things everyday. He is really into copying Sean and I. When Sean sneezes Keagan gets a Kleenex and "blows"his nose! So cute. I have taught him to cover his mouth when he coughs and to wash his hands. He has also learned to brush his hair. Its so cute to see him do such grown up things. He has learned to walk backwards and is starting to run! Lord help me!! He is such an active little boy. He still loves animals, which is good because our house is a zoo! I miss my teeny tiny baby but I am excited to see what the next months will be like!