Monday, February 22, 2010

17 Months

Keagan will be 17 months at the end of this month. Its hard to believe that he is almost a year and a half old!! He has the sweetest personality and loves everyone he meets. He is starting to show some other personality traits that I hope go away rather quickly. I will spare you all the naughty moments, but lets just say we are getting our moneys worth from the time out chair!
He really is a good boy. Here are some things Keagan can do:

Feed himself using a fork and a spoon

After every meal he will carry his plate into the kitchen and hand it to mama

He loves babies, ex specially baby Jesus! He likes to say Hi to baby Jesus at church

Favorite toys at the moment are a T-Ball set, and trucks. He pushes the trucks around and says "vroom, vroom"

knows where his tummy, ears, nose and hair are
Loves to give kisses and hugs
Enjoy the pictures!!

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