Monday, January 4, 2010

15 months

I can not believe that Keagan is 15 months old. He weighs 23.6lbs and is 30 inches tall. It seems so long ago that he was a tiny baby. I miss him being so small and cuddly. Now when he sits still long enough to cuddle I consider myself lucky. He is learning new things everyday. He is really into copying Sean and I. When Sean sneezes Keagan gets a Kleenex and "blows"his nose! So cute. I have taught him to cover his mouth when he coughs and to wash his hands. He has also learned to brush his hair. Its so cute to see him do such grown up things. He has learned to walk backwards and is starting to run! Lord help me!! He is such an active little boy. He still loves animals, which is good because our house is a zoo! I miss my teeny tiny baby but I am excited to see what the next months will be like!

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