Friday, July 31, 2009

10 months

Keagan just turned 10 months and we are getting closer and closer to his first birthday! This is defiantly such a fun stage. He really wants to play and interact so much more. He has always been very independent when playing with his toys. He enjoys playing by himself, which at times is nice. Every day he is changing so much. Here are some new things he is up to:

He likes to point at objects. If you point at something he will copy you

He no longer likes baby food. He would rather have table food

He loves to yell as loud as he can (yes I'm one of those parents with the yelling kid..sigh)

He will share his toys. He likes to hand a toy to mama and then to hand a toy to daddy

He bounces up and down to music

He is such a sweet little baby. He is always smiling and laughing!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Quick Trip

On Sunday Keagan and I left for a quick trip to see my grandparents. I was glad to be able to spend some time with my family. It was very unexpected and a special trip. This was Keagan's first plane ride and he did amazing! I was really nervous about how it would go. No one was sitting next to us, so he had his very own seat. He really liked looking out the window while waiting for the plane to take off. Keagan really enjoyed swimming and eating homemade ice cream. He loves to swim at home but we don't let him swim nudie! Since Meme's house has no rules Keagan swam nudie every time!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Summer is one of my favorite seasons. I love warm summer nights, swimming and eating yummy ripe tomatoes. Keagan and I have been spending a lot of time outdoors, mainly in the morning before it gets to hot. Every morning we go for a walk around the neighborhood and then come back to water all the plants. He loves to "help" me water. I will spray the hose over the pool and he laughs at the fountain that mama has made. Some mornings we will walk down to the park behind our neighborhood. He loves to swing and go down the slide with me. I can't wait till he starts walking so we can really play in the park. Sean was able to go with us to the park one night this week and we had the best time.
I found this cute little car at my favorite kids resale store Kid to Kid! Only 22.00 dollars! What a deal! Keagan LOVES riding in it. He holds onto the steering wheel and honks the horn. He will crawl over to his car when it is "parked" inside and climb in. It is easier than taking the stroller and he enjoys it. Don't laugh at his big hat I didn't want him to get sunburned! Sean said he looked like the Gordan's fisherman!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

putting on my face..

I Love a good bargain! I found this website that I am in love with. Everything is a dollar!! Well almost everything. I had my doubts but after I received my order I am sold! The brushes are great and they also have mineral makeup! Check it out!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Poor Keagan has a boo boo on his right eye. While playing in his house he spotted a graham cracker. He leaned over to grab his cracker and took a header into his playhouse! I looked over and his little feet were kicking in the air and his face was smashed into the carpet. He thought the whole thing was really funny. I was of course overly worried that he may have broken his neck or something else terrible. He proudly wiggled himself up and with a big smile, took a big bite of his cracker! Silly boy!
Keagan's hair has really started growing. For awhile he had very thin hair and we were afraid that he might be going bald. Over the past few months his hair has really gotten long. His hair is pretty flat most of the time due to his helmet. After his bath or when he gets out of the pool is when you see all the curls. His hair just so cute! Here are a few pictures of him being silly before bedtime.