Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This is what happens when my husband watches the baby....

He is teaching Keagan to play X Box!!! Please Lord let the next one be a girl!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

some of my favorite things..

stained glass necklace from Anthropologie
Koi fish from Z Gallerie

Penelope bag from Coach

This is a hard thing for me to write about but writing has always been a way for me to express my emotions. Many of you may already know about this and some of you may not. Keagan was born with a multicystic kidney. One of his kidneys is perfectly normal and functions like it should. The other kidney has no function and never will. The kidney never formed properly and is made up of large cyst. We found out that something was not right with his kidney when I was 15 weeks pregnant. So every month I would go to a specialist to have a sonogram done to check his kidney function and growth. I remember when we found out that something was wrong. At first the doctors where not sure if the kidney with cyst would affect the normal kidney. If that happened then he would need a kidney transplant right after he was born. Thank God that was not the case. Everything can always be worse. Since he was born we have been following up with a urologist. In early December Keagan had a MRI done to check the kidney for any new growth or change. Since he is so little he had to be sedated. Sean and I had to take him into the room and hold him while they gave him the gas to fall asleep. This was really a hard thing for Sean and I to witness. We received the result back from the MRI and found out he will need the non functioning kidney to be removed. I know that this will be better for him in the long run but it still pulls at my heart that he will have to have such a detailed surgery. The Dr. wants to wait to do the surgery when Keagan turns 6 months old. He feels that his body will recover better at that age than now. I feel bad that all these things are happening to him. He is the sweetest little boy. You never want anything to be wrong with your child. He has truly changed our lives. I can remember finding out I was pregnant, feeling those first little kicks and watching him grow on the sonogram every month. I will never forget the exact moment he came into this world, into my life. Seeing him for the first time and thinking that he is all mine. My perfect little baby. For those of you who are mothers, pregnant or trying to have a baby, enjoy every moment! You never know what life will bring you! Life changes day to day so take a deep breath, close your eyes and take everything in! Thanks for letting my share this and please keep us in your thoughts!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

toys, toys and more toys..

Keagan is really starting to enjoy his toys so much more. He has now gotten to the point that he can entertain himself for a little while. His new favorites are his Bumbo seat and his jumperoo that he got from his cousins. We have been trying to use the Bumbo seat more and more each day. I don't know how much longer he will be able to fit in his little seat. His poor little chubby legs almost don't fit! He loves to jump in his jumper, he laughs and laughs at himself! Thanks Uncle Holland and Aunt Charlotte for the fun!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

cutie tootie..

Just a few new photos of our cutie..

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

yummy yummy

Well Sean and I did a bad, bad thing....we gave Keagan rice cereal earlier than we were supposed to!! Gasp! He is eating so much and still seems hungry. He wasn't quite sure what to think of his new food! He looked at both of us like we were crazy. There is just something so cute about him eating like a big boy!! Well, everything about him is so cute but we might be a little biased. I of course had to get him his own little bowls to mix his cereal in, and cute little baby spoons.

Monday, January 5, 2009

long time no see..

I cant believe its been so long since I last wrote! Sorry for the long absence. Time just seems to be flying by. Sean and I have been very busy since the holidays. Keagan seems to occupy most of our time. I started back to work part time in December. Only working two days a week is so nice. I get out of the house a little bit and have some time by myself. I miss Keagan so much but I know that its good for both of us. My neighbor watches him two days a week, she is the sweetest lady ever. She lives right next door to us and Keagan loves going to her house to play. She also watches a few other children so he is learning a lot from the older kids. Here is a picture of him on his first day at Mrs. Kathy's..