Monday, October 26, 2009

New Shoes

Keagan is officially walking! He is still crawling a little bit, I expect him to give it up soon. In honor of his new ability he got his first big boy shoes!! He has been wearing the pre walkers for awhile now and I have to admit I miss how easy they are to put on. He thinks he is really something in his new shoes. He has such tiny feet, at almost 13 months he wears a 3 1/2!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


This sunday we went to the Ft. Worth Zoo. We had a really wonderful time and the weather was great. It had been years since any of us had been to the Ft. Worth Zoo and I had forgotten how nice it was. Keagan really enjoyed all the animals, he seemed to like the monkeys and the fish the best.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fun with Daddy

Sean and Keagan are two peas in a pod! They love spending time together. Keagan makes the same facial expression as Sean, its so cute!! All day long he says "da-da". Keagan and I often go to the park on our days together, but when Sean gets to go its a real treat.

We bought Keagan a playhouse for his birthday. He opens and closes the shutters and loves to ring the doorbell.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I hate you SWINE FLU

Sean and I both have had the Swine flu and it is the worst. I haven't felt this bad in a long time. Keagan spent the whole week with his Nana and Mamie. We really cant thank them enough. We both just slept the week away. Sean is feeling much better, but I still feel about the same. So far Keagan has not gotten sick. Lets keep our fingers crossed!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

12 months

Keagan had his 12 month well visit on Friday. Poor thing, I hate when he has to have shots! This visit he received 4 shots and a TB test. Two of the vaccines were live vaccines. This was the first time that he had every received a live vaccine. The nurse explained that hardly any children have a reaction blah blah blah...WELL Keagan had one! He was running a high fever, wouldn't eat or drink, VERY fussy, had a swollen spot from the injection and was covered in tiny spots!! I of course freak out and think he has chicken pox because that is another side effect from one of the vaccines. But, thank the lord he didn't. He weighs 22lbs and is 29 inches long. So he is in the 30% for both height and weight. He is also cutting his 12 month molars, so that has been really exciting!

Keagan is more active than ever. He is such a busy boy. He really keeps us busy. Here are some things that he is up to:
He stands alone for long periods of time

He still takes two naps a day, usually around two hours a piece

He can point out objects by name from books

Takes a few steps at a time before falling, He can walk all over the house
using his walking toy

We are contemplating turning our back living room into a playroom for Keagan. He has so many toys and we are running out of room. I think it would be really cute! We will see what happens. I will take photos of the transformation, after I convince Sean! Sorry for the lack of pictures on this post, my camera is acting goofy!