Monday, March 9, 2009

Keagan has now mastered the art of rolling both ways. He has been rolling from his stomach onto his back for awhile now, but this weekend he finally rolled from his back onto his stomach. I cant keep him still now. I put him on the floor to play and he rolled in a complete circle!! He just looked at me in amazement!! So for about 30 minutes he just rolled back and forth and a round in a circle. Silly boy. He has started rolling over in his sleep which makes Sean and I really nervous. We wait for him to fall asleep and then we roll him onto his back. He immediately rolls back to his stomach but it makes us feel better that at least we attempted to move him. I guess I will never stop worrying.

In other Keagan news, we now have a date for the kidney Surgery! Keagan will have surgery on April 10th. He will have to spend a few nights in the hospital. We will keep you posted!

Now some pictures of our cutie.. Happy early Easter! (warning nudie bootie ahead)